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The Solar System

'Sol' includes images of our Sun, the powerhouse of the system, now and in the future.  View…


Second from the Sun, Venus is almost Earth's twin in size. But it roasts under toxic clouds of suphuric acid, and its surface is covered with massive shield volcanoes. It has been called the Hell Planet!  View…


Luna is a constant companion in our skies, and has always been a source of fascination, giving rise to myths, legends and stories.  View…


Jupiter is by far the largest planet in our Solar System.  Vew…


Uranus is another gas giant, smaller than Jupiter and Saturn, and blue-green in colour.  View…


Mercury is a tiny planet which is closest to the Sun. Its day side is hot enough to melt lead, while its dark side is one of the coldest places in the Solar System.  View…


Our own planet, Terra, needs no introduction.  View…


Mars was named after the God of War, no doubt because of its red colour.  View…


Saturn is the next planet from the Sun after Jupiter, and the next largest.  View…


Neptune is almost Uranus's twin in size and appearance.  View…


Officially, Pluto is no longer a planet, but a dwarf planet.  View…


Since his first eclipse, Hawaii in 1991, Hardy has travelled to eight – and seen six.  View…

Text & images copyright © 2015 AstroArt by David A. Hardy. All Rights Reserved.

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